March 13, 2009

Speaking of Recession - Gym Membership vs Home Gym

If you are anything like the average gym member, hundreds of your dollars are wasted every year on unused gym time. That is not even considering the hassle of sign-up fees, long term contracts, and "extras" that all gyms charge for. Let's face it, gym memberships are expensive and unless you are disciplined enough to consistently hit the weights and join in on the crowded classes, not worth your time and money.

Our recommendation is that you save your hard earned money and set-up a home gym for a fraction of the price. "Home Gym" – these two dirty words, without a doubt, conjure up images in your mind of a giant apparatus taking up half of your living room. Have no fear, we are not recommending you set out this weekend and spend thousands of dollars on a hard to use glorified jungle gym that will just end up as a place to hang your shirts in a couple months. (Don’t feel bad, we have all fallen victim to the optimistic/unrealistic workout equipment purchase.)

We are talking about a cheap and simple Home Gym. Most, if not all, of the components you need for a total body workout can be found at garage sales, Ross, Craigslist, and thrift stores. And best of all, these cheap items can be stashed in small spaces when company comes over.

1) Dumbbells – Either one set of adjustable weight or a couple different weight ranges. This is the most versatile piece of equipment you can purchase and will make hundreds of exercises possible.
2) Exercise Ball – A one size fits all piece of equipment that will allow you to change angles and work many muscle groups.
3) Exercise Band – An easy way to change resistance levels and take your exercises on the road.
4) Medicine Ball – A great way to target your "core muscles." It is especially good for athletes and those working out with a partner.
5) Exercise Mat – For those of you without a carpeted room, exercise mats are cheap and provide a perfect spot to do your floor exercises.

These simple pieces of equipment - coupled with a little bit of know-how, accountability, and motivation - will provide you with more than enough to get a consistently great total body workout – without the long term time and monetary commitment!
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