July 31, 2009

Being Healthy "On the Go"

By now we all know that it is easier to eat healthy when "eating in" than it is when "eating out". Seeing every ingredient going into a meal allows us to think about our choices much more than when a prepared plate pops in front of us on the table. But, in today's fast paced and busy world sometimes we all need a break from cooking and doing dishes!

So, our trainers came up with a "Top 10 Eating Out Tips" for your enjoyment:

When Eating and Ordering Out...

1) Try to avoid the milk and cream based sauces and soups (example: Clam Chowder, Corn Chowder, Alfredo Pasta, Ranch and Blue Cheese Salad Dressings, etc.)

2) When ordering salads, order them with Balsamic Vinaigrette or Oil and Vinegar Dressing.

3) Try to avoid ordering a “free refills” drink. Drink water with lemon (hot or cold).

4) When they give you an option on the sides (example: french fries, coleslaw, or steamed vegetables) try to pick the one with the most nutrients.

5) Avoid fried options as they are most often fried in very unhealthy types of oils (if not rancid oils)

6) Do not be afraid to ask questions about their beef, chicken, or pork, and go with whichever option is the most naturally raised.

7) Mexican - substitute black beans for refried (this is usually an option), and corn tortillas for flour.

8) Sandwiches – do not be afraid to ask what bread options they offer and go with the one that is made up of whole grains and does not contain bleached flour.

9) Italian - fresh garlic, fresh tomatoes, fresh herbs! Order something creative and fresh to take advantage of eating these healthy items while packed with flavor in a delicious dish. Also, ask if they have any alternative to white flour pasta. Many restaurants will have a whole wheat, spinach, or quinoa option.

10) Chinese/Asian - avoid breaded chicken or fish dishes, and as with Italian restaurants this can be a great opportunity to select a dish with flavors that will jump right out of the dish while still being packed with nutrients (veggies, etc.)
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