February 27, 2009

Exercise of the Week - Spiderman Push-Ups

Spiderman Push-Ups provide a great total body workout that increases your balance and strength without a big time commitment or dependency on equipment!

- Starting Position: Regular push-up position with hands at least shoulder width apart.
- Movement: As you lower your body towards the floor, draw one knee up to the outside of your elbow, keeping your body as straight/level as possible. Return same leg to starting position as you push back up. Repeat movement alternating legs.

*For those of you lacking the upper-body strength for this exercise, it can be modified by performing the same movement, only on your knees in the "girl push-up" position.
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1 comment:

Karen (SoCal) said...

Excellent form...you make it look easy. I think I'll give these a try tomorrow. I've done mountain climbers, but the spidermans are harder for sure.